: ll : Menu : ll :

* Antipasti *
* Insalata e Zuppe *
* Pasta Ripiena *
* Menu *
* Cucina Classica *
* Pesce *
* Carni *
* Pollo *
* Caffé *
* Dolci *


Test Your Knowledge

Here, there will be 3 trivia questions. They will be here until someone gets 'em right or when I feel like they're getting old. People who answer the questions right get to be in the Hall of Fame. The one who has the most points by December 31st, 2003, will win a prize which I will determine in the year. Second, third, fourth, and fifth places will be awarded as well. Rules are that the first answer you send will be the answer I take. If it is the right answer, I will reply back to you saying if you've won or not. Winners will be posted.

One point will be awarded for each correct answer, but if you are the first one to email me on the questions, you automatically get 3 points. That's right. The first emailer gets 3 points right off the bat. So the max you could possibly get per trivia session is 6 points.

The Questions

Yay Trivia!

1. What is an example of a palindrome?

2. What does the phrase "da mihi osculum" mean?

3. Name two of the three men who wrote "A Tuna Christmas".

Good luck!

no duh..

(c) 2002-2003 M.M.