: ll : Menu : ll :

* Antipasti *
* Menu *
* Pasta Ripiena *
* Pizze *
* Cucina Classica *
* Pesce *
* Carni *
* Pollo *
* Caffé *
* Dolci *


Soup or Salad?

Here, you can choose what you would like to eat, I mean, listen to while you're browsing my website. There are many midis to choose from. I don't know the names to all of them, though. Some just sound cool. I hope you enjoy.

OKAY TO ALL OF YOU OUT THERE WHO THINK MIDIS SUCK, THIS IS FOR YOU. They, um *cough* kind of do. But I don't have enough space for MP3's, damnit!

Enjoy, Happy Da!
Mind you, I only put the midis I like on here, so it gives you a sense of my taste in music and such.

Get on with it!


Danse Macabre
Time Warp
Chop Suey
Science Fiction Double Feature
Sing Sing Sing (With A Swing)
Edward Scissorhands
Monty Python's Flying Circus
House of the Rising Sun
Halloween H2O
Tubular Bells
Phantom of the Opera (Hillbilly Style? ehh)
Amarillo By Morning

(c) 2002-2003 M.M.