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Ask Me A Question


Weather you have insomnia or not, you've come to the right place (no wonder I named it after coffee, eh?). Here, I will answer your questions weekly. Ask me anything. The one who comes up with the best question will see his/her question posted here with an explanation of the question. Mind you, I don't know everything so I may just make something up. So email me at Smoon29733@aol.com. Make sure the subject line is something relavent so I don't accidentally delete you.

This Weeks Question


Dear Megan,
Who is Charlie Chaplin and why do you talk about him so much?!

Well, Taff, Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), was a great silent film actor/director. I love him so much because I have a thing for silent movies. The acting it really in the eyes. I love to look at eyes. Another thing is that he has a derby and I can't resist a guy in a derby. Yes, he is dead though. He died before I was born so I'm SOL. If you're a reincarnation, by all means, email me.

(c) 2002-2003 M.M.